Yesterday, I turned the big 3-0. To mark the occasion, I’ve written a one year 30 in 30 bucket list of all I want to achieve in my thirtieth year. Here’s to a cracking 12 months of self indulgent treats and ridiculous challenges to attempt.
Read 30 books: This year I had hoped to read 52 books but I haven’t come anywhere close (16). I think 30 is a more manageable target. I look forward to escaping into some excellent books – the truer to life the better.
Watch Billy Elliott at the Theatre: Probably one of my favourite films ever, Billy Elliot the Musical has been on my bucket list for a long time. 2017 will be the year I see it!
Give blood 3 more times: After years of trying, this year I was finally able to give blood and am now booked in for my 3rd session. I know how important it is and I want to keep donating regularly.
Visit 5 new countries: We’re up to 30 countries travelled together. Next year I’d love to visit another 5. Top destinations on the wish list are the Maldives, America and Bali. Closer to home, I’d love to visit Ireland and the Channel Island.
Spend a day at a spa: The last time I indulged in a spa day was way back in 2014 when we stayed at the beautiful Hoi An Essence and Spa hotel. I think its time to go back. Maybe to Vietnam, too…
Go to Longleat: It looks cool. That’s it.
Go to 5 gigs: We love a good gig but with so much travel this year we haven’t made it to one this year. I’m already cool enough to be heading to Craig David in March.
And two big festivals: Creamfields VIP. Don’t mind if I do. It was incredible back in 2012 (until we were evacuated). One of the big ones closer to home would be nice, too. Oh, and maybe one in Spain.
Start learning to fly: I’ve challenged myself to learn to fly a light aircraft. No other reason than I want a big challenge.
Eat Oysters & drink champagne for tea: Last time Darren and I went for a romantic Oyster meal Darren puked his oysters up whole. Kind of ruined my appetite, too. I do love oysters and champagne though. Who wants pasta and squash?
Phone a different person each week for a catch up There are so many people we don’t see regularly enough through always being away. Social media is great but nothing better than a chat. Heck, might even get the pen and paper out too.
Finish renovating our Spanish house: Project Pego is a LOT of work. A lot more than we thought it would be. It would be great to be able to enjoy the months of super hard work. And in any case, people are starting to visit us soon.
SEE MORE: Oh #F#*k! What have we bought!
Try at least 15 new foods: Having spent most of my life a fussy eating veggie, I’m getting more adventurous, but there are still lots of foods that I need to attempt to try. Who knows, I may love them as much as the dreaded Oysters.
Visit my family in Wales: I just don’t see them enough
Cook a new meal each week: Out of 52 meals there will be one I can master, right?!
Buy something for myself without worrying about the cost: I’ve always been a big saver for holidays so am rubbish at spending even on something fairly low cost even if I want it.
Run 10km: 5 years ago I was running 10 miles 3 times a week until I broke my coccyx and slipped my discs. It’s been a long and challenging recovery time, but I’m now finally back in my running shoes. Up to 3km now…..
Raise £300 for charity: It’s good to do something to help others.
Visit our plot of land in the Lake District: Darren and I are Lord & Lady Metcalfe thanks to my Mothers christmas gift a few years ago. We own a couple of feet of land in the middle of a posh ‘estate’ and I’d like to visit to for the novelty factor.
Want to become a ‘Lord’ or ‘Lady’ yourself – check out these Land & Title gift sets*
See my sister at least 10 times each: I miss them otherwise. Wish I could see my brother as much.
Dress up and go somewhere fancy each month: Why not.
Do something that scares me: Does the hot air balloon trip on my actual birthday count? Now that was totally scary and amazing all at the same time.
Have 3 alcohol free months: I’m a big follower of a dry January, but I think there could be some big benefits to my waistline and wallet if I manage 3 this year.
Touch my Toes: I’ve never been able to do it. Not even close.
Learn 100 words in Sign Language: Nothing better than being able to communicate with interesting people. I’m currently working on days of the week.
Successfully keep a plant alive: Lots of my friends can successfully look after children. I forget to water plants for weeks on end when I’m home. I might start with herbs.
Drink another St Regis Bloody Mary: Trying all of the signature St Regis Bloody Mary drinks has been on my bucket list since 2012. It’s been over a year since my last one. I’m due another.
Watch a sporting match live: It’s a long time since I’ve watched the Saints play so maybe I can drag Darren to a game. Then again, perhaps I’ll use this as an excuse to get back to Croatia and watch the Beach Volleyball competition.
Plan another awesome holiday: I’m super lucky to have spent a lot of my life travelling to some incredible places, but we currently don’t have another holiday booked. I’m excited to see where this year will take us. Perhaps we can combine a few of the above!
Do something special for a stranger: I’m aware my bucket list is quite indulgent and many people aren’t so fortunate in their life. I’d like to think I’m a good person and already do nice things for others but there is always room to make a bigger impact on somebody else’s life. That ‘something’ I wrote earlier will be ‘lots of things’. Not only for strangers but for the people I know too. I always remember the time a stranger gave me his centre court tickets for Wimbledon with a big smile.
So there it is. I’ll be checking back in few months to check on my 30 in 30 progress and hopefully will have ticked a few of these off. For now, I’ll leave you with a suggestion of a damn good film featuring Jack Nicholas & Morgan Freeman: The Bucket List*. uses affiliate links to help with the running of this site. If you purchase an item recommended by this website we may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.
That’s a great post! Goodness, you are so young! Younger than all my three children! I wish you luck in achieving all these things. I’ve seen the film ‘Bucket List’. And I’ve been to Longleat. Your list sounds amazing, especially the travel ones.